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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Unlock iPhone4 Baseband 04.11.08 - Downgrade to 01.59.00

What is the Unlock 04.11.08 baseband iPhone 4 or downgrade to 01.59.00 possibility?
Much of iPhone owners asked this same question about Baseband 04.11.08 unlocking ways .
In other words "After upgrading iPhone 4 to iOS 5 no network problem"  so that all will be clear in this article. As you know that Apple released iOS 5 for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on October 12.

Many of iPhone 4 users who are relying on unlock with ultrasn0w or Gevey SIM updated their iPhone 4 to stock iOS 5 ipsw firmware, here's the problem exactly.

Unlock 04.11.08 Baseband - Downgrade to 01.59.00 iPhone 4 Desimlock 04.11.08 Possibility

To avoid it before a trust solution , if it already happened just wait , may be we will get a providence.

When users upgrade iPhone 4 to stock iOS 5, the baseband (modem firmware) is updated to version 4.11.08 which is not supported with the current version of ultrsn0w and also can't be unlocked with the current Gevey SIM models (Standard, pro, ultra and etc.). So in case you upgraded your iPhone 4 to stock iOS 5 you will no longer able to Unlock 04.11.08 ios 5 with ultrasn0w or Gevey SIM.. ( be patient nothing yet )

To do for stay unlockable

 is iPhone 4 users who rely on unlock with Gevey SIM or ultrasn0w and wanna upgrade their iPhone 4 to iOS 5 to use custom ipsw to preserve the unlockable baseband, so that you will be able to use Gevey SIM or ultrasn0w to unlock your iPhone 4.
Downgrade - Unlock 04.11.08 Baseband to 01.59.00 iPhone 4 - Any of hacker working on this ?

No, there's no one work on downgrading 4.11.08 to 1.59.00 baseband. So don't trust any of the scam sites that claiming the ability of desimlock 04.11.08 to 1.59.00 baseband.

Stuck on desimlock 04.11.08 baseband iPhone 4 - What can I do ?
Desimlock 04.11.08 is possible to Unlock 04.11.08
If you already stuck on 4.11.08 baseband on iPhone 4, you have to wait for updated version of ultrsn0w to support desimlock 04.11.08 baseband or modified version of Gevey SIM.
 follow this tutorial , and forget the stress .
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