Since April 8th AT&T Started Unlocking all off Contracts of iPhone 4 and 3GS . off Contracts a period is generally 6 Months after what an Operator must provide you , your Factory unlock code . but during on Contracts if you are not patient it's possible too to unlock your phone . so time's up for AT&T customers to be free .
Since Days alot of iPhone have been unlocked via this service without mind at a thing . most of folks are not aware that they can lost their iPhone Jailbreaking Untethered durig Unlocking proced .. how it's possbile?
unlock request only when you connect a Deactivated iPhone to iTunes , an interaction beetwen your iPhone with Apple server required to unlock your iPhone . so currently alot of people jailbroken their 5.0.1 in waiting a software ( Ultrasn0w ) unlocking solution or just profit to jailbreak liberty . so in this case if you are not informed that you can Deactivated your phone Without restore to 5.1 . sure you will off to untethered for a long moment . in case you unfortunatly restored to 5.1 you should hold tethered and waiting a untetherd .
becasue At this time no public Jailbreak untethered released yet for 5.1 but it exist , it was discovered by some iOS hacker and they kept it secret yet . for how many time again ?
What's used to ? who's brought info ? and How to ? follow .
this Job is became possible by Redsn0w require latest version to do operation wich save your unthered.
an information leaked by the chief Musclenerd iOS HAcker and iPhone Dev team member . via his twitter account .
For everyone enjoying new AT&T policy: use redsn0w's "Deactivate" option on "Jailbreak" screen to avoid restoring and losing jailbreak
— MuscleNerd (@MuscleNerd) April 9, 2012
this one allowed you just to unlock without restored your iOS firmware 5.0.1 to 5.1 mainly iPhone 4 because 3GS firware 4.1 is still signed by apple but who want back down ? noby yeah !!
How to deactivated without Restoring to 5.1 ? follow steps .
Things you will need during this process:
- Redsn0w o.9.10B6 (Download)
Step 1: Connect your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS with computer and launch latest version of redsn0w 0.9.10b6
Step 2:Click on “Jailbreak” button, now you will see your iPhone connected in a “Normal” state but before you continue you need to put your iPhone in DFU mode, follow the instructions on your screen to put your iPhone in DFU mode;
- Hold down both the Home button and the Power button for 10 seconds.
- Release the Power button and continue holding the Home button until (approx 15-25 sec) your device’s screen turn black.
Step 3: Sit tight! Redsn0w will now detect your build
Step 4: After successful detection of your iPhone’s build redsn0w will give you some options, check “Deactivate” and un-check all other options
Important: Don’t forget to un-check Install Cydia option
Step 5: After a complete redsn0w run your iPhone will be Deactivated or let’s say De hacktivated
Step 6: Now eject your SIM try and turn off your iPhone
Step 7: Turn on your iPhone and connect it with iTunes and insert your SIM try
If everything goes well iTunes will give you an Unlock message.
That was it folks, you can factory unlock your iPhones while keeping your untethered jailbreak intact.
tuto's 100% from how to arena , won't lost time to make what is already , Thaks him !
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