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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Windows Phone 7 Gets a Super Tool and Market App

Windows Phone 7 development around XDA has been steadily increasing, and that’s a really good thing. XDA Recognized Developer dotcompt has added a couple of much needed tools to the Windows Phone 7 application arsenal.
The first is a super tool that gives users various shortcuts to tools and the other is an alternative market for home brew apps, XDA apps, etc. The super tool application, aptly named DS Supertool offers its users:

. Connectivity shortcuts.
. Favorites contacts speed dial.
. Quick web search tool.
. Easy find your local weather and news.
. Notes application.
. Reminder application.
. Easy launch camera shortcut
It is a free application and offers quite a few useful tools for WP7 owners. The application isn’t available in the market, so you’ll have to side load it after downloading but, as mentioned, it’s free, so no big deal.
The other application, called DS Marketplace, allows users to download applications that may not be approved by the Windows Market. Says dotcompt:
All .xap files are stored in Deepshining Mobile Server and when Homebrew .xap files are updated from XDA Devs, I will upload this files again to my server so you can download it again.
Aftermarket Market applications are always fun and can offer a variety of applications that aren’t on the official market.
Any WP7 owners interested in these applications can check out the DS Supertool thread and the DS Marketplace thread for additional details, download links and a full feature list and change log.

according to XDA 
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