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Monday, April 23, 2012

iPhone Devs Team Warns and redsn0w 0.9.10b8 Released

Especially released today in purpose allowed  backup Unlock Activation Ticket after have unlocked your iPhone via SAM ( Subscriber Artificial Module ) unlocking Method . a Vulnerability discovered  by Lokstar_ Sun  which using ICCID ( Integrated Circuit Card ID ) to allow you unlock temporary . temporary because you should repeat unlock proceed once you change Sim Card , but possible to use many Sim Card you just need to proceed with each of its . backup required because Apple working to fix this method , and it is recommended at those are Still interested , to do SAM unlock Method currently no wait for easy Method , apple will fix it as soon possible . so you will messed a chance to get unlocked ...  make it now and backup .

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Factory Unlock AT&T iPhone 4 & 3GS And Keep Jailbreak untethered

Since April 8th  AT&T Started Unlocking  all off Contracts of iPhone 4 and 3GS . off Contracts a period is generally 6 Months after what an Operator must provide you , your Factory unlock code . but during on Contracts if you are not patient it's possible too to unlock your phone . so time's up for AT&T customers to be free .
Since Days  alot of iPhone have been  unlocked via this service without mind at a thing . most of folks are not aware that they can lost their iPhone Jailbreaking Untethered durig  Unlocking proced .. how it's possbile?

Monday, April 9, 2012

get HTC One V features in Desire S and Desire HD

No easy for all to buy each new Smartphone which out every day currently .
so to keep in touch with most of its developers allowed to use new devices ROM in old . this is most current in Android Phone mainly  HTC much supported and some Brand too as Sony Ericsson .
recently  HTC announced certain Smartphone HTC X ONE which is underway for soon . before your X ONE start to use ROM and profit to it features on your HTC Desire S and Desire HD.
 proxuser ( Developer and Xda forum member ) ported HTC X ONE ROM to Desire S and Desire HD . some functions are not stable yet , but its no for long  ROM is still a work in progress for fix instability.
what isn’t working currently ? just  few are missed among many others features .

Sunday, April 8, 2012

AT&T Started Unlock All Off-Contract Iphone

So finally AT&T realized that they should do something about locked iPhones on their network without the interference of Tim Cook. AT&T will unlock all off contract iPhones which were purchased on a 2 year contract basis starting from April 8th. Remember that this service would only be available for people who have iPhones which were originally purchased from AT&T and their contracts are over now.
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