0x80 byte RSA signature of a firmware image.
This often also refers to the backup file with the signature. This signature is needed to restore a specific firmware version. The signature is being created by Apple and is being generated based on some hardware keys of the device and the hash of the firmware. Using a replay attack, with the saved signature old firmware can be restored, although Apple doesn't issue the signatures anymore and therefore disallows installing older firmware. Therefore it is recommended to save the signature for your device as long as Apple issues it.
This often also refers to the backup file with the signature. This signature is needed to restore a specific firmware version. The signature is being created by Apple and is being generated based on some hardware keys of the device and the hash of the firmware. Using a replay attack, with the saved signature old firmware can be restored, although Apple doesn't issue the signatures anymore and therefore disallows installing older firmware. Therefore it is recommended to save the signature for your device as long as Apple issues it.