as we talked in this post Jalbreaking iPAd3 Hackers vs Hackers why ? skills fight
another guy has brought us a 3rd Jailbraking Methods for iPad3 iOS 5.1 Utethered .
Paul Griffin @phoenixdev an iOS Hacker has released his exploit for iOS 5.1 today .
according to his tweet :
[ One week of hard work, 4.5 hours of owning an iPad, and I now have Cydia and SSH running! Pics to follow.]
this one is his own exploit wich is still as ( 1st and 2th ) previous under working for give reliable version .this one came increase our optimste about official Jailbreaking Release time . no more time again .sure whitin some hours again one will unveil his exploit so stay here .
another guy has brought us a 3rd Jailbraking Methods for iPad3 iOS 5.1 Utethered .
Paul Griffin
according to his tweet :
[ Also, my methods are not for public consumption. It's just bragging rights before I hand off my work to better-equipped people.]
[Dammit guys, I wanted to be third :P. Couldn't even be first because I got my iPad only four hours ago.]
this one is his own exploit wich is still as ( 1st and 2th ) previous under working for give reliable version .this one came increase our optimste about official Jailbreaking Release time . no more time again .sure whitin some hours again one will unveil his exploit so stay here .