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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Jalbreaking iPAd3 Hackers vs Hackers why ? skills fight

iPAd3 Jailbreaking exploit after MuscleNerd and  i0n1c announcement  who will be next ?
whole of iOS hackers are working to find latest iOS 5.1 Jailbreak Vulnerability currently. yes we know that .that's what all iOS Jailbreakers are waiting  .

at this time only two beetwen them have annouced their exploit via picture ( MuscleNerd ) and movie (  i0n1c ) , but nothing released for public usage yet . they are working to bring more reliable and stable version, hope it's for soon .only two of them ( iOS Hackers ) talked about their exploit , but what's up to who are working in silent ?sir pod2g who we shouldn't forget for iOS 5.0 and 5.0.1 Jailbreak exploit is on way .not only him  most of them are willing to give their exploit proof  any moment  .so keep online and near to this blog , information can leaked any moment .  another skills contest is opened  for iOS hackers. everyone want proof his skills level  by Releasing First the Public version . so coll nobody want leave to this life without marked his time . we support you . be optimiste Jailbreak is just for some days 
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