Ping Yahoo

Friday, March 30, 2012

Omnius for SE v0.35 (29th March 2012)

Omnius for SE v0.35 (29th March 2012)

    Added Live boot (or hot-boot) feature for S1 MSM8x55(T) phones with unlocked bootloader.
    It allows to start unsigned kernels like recoveryNeo.img or recovery Arc.img directly in phone RAM without replacing the original firmware stored in flash
    The Live boot feature supports automatic SU utility upload to allow permanent rooting without any side-effects.
    Note that the specified kernel has to provide the SEMC ADB interface
    The bootloader is unlocked automatically during the unlock of S1 QSD8250 and S1 MSM7227 phones
    Added explicit menu option for unlocking bootloader of S1 QD8250/MSM7227/MSM8x55(T) phones.
    It does almost the same as the network unlock operation.
    Once you have an unlocked bootloader, you may freely reflash the phone without any limitations
    Added support for flashing of unsigned firmwares (mostly kernels) into S1 QSD8250/MSM7227/MSM8x55(T) phones with bootloader unlocked by Omnius
    The S1 MSM8x55(T) identify operation shows whether the phone accepts unsigned flashes
    Removed final shutdown in S1 QSD8250/MSM7227/MSM8x55(T) flash operations to prevent unwanted phone restarts

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

R-SIM 4th Generation To Unlock iPhone 4 Baseband 4.11.08 is Ready !

 finally R-SIM 4th Generation To Unlock iPhone 4 Baseband 4.11.08 Ready just a week again . be sure not doubt this one is finally true among most early Unlock annoucement  about iPhone 4 Baseband 4.11.08 . 5 months passed day for day people expect it so I think expectation time is end just a week now no more .
good new for those who mistaken 5 months ago to upgrade iOS without preserved old Baseband . be quiet  R-SIM 4th Generation  is on way . this story started since last year in October when apple released  iOS 5  with new baseband  , people got  their iPhone 4 locked while restoring to iOS 5 on Baseband 04.11.08 .
during this time R-SIM Developers stayed to work after II & III (which support iPhone 4S 5.1 with latest Baseband 2.0.10) on  next genartion which was promised for iPhone 4 BaseBand 04.11.08 . time's up . according to eachsupplier main resseller . 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

*Downgrade iOS 5.1 no matter shsh statut*

Tinyumbrella & Sn0wbreeze  together against iOS 5.1 downgrade
@notcom doesn't know how this tweet will make folks speculative , until a more clear detail message . in a recent tweet  he said that him and @iH8sn0w are working on fun things currently . so what kind of fun things do you think than iOS 5.1 Downgrade (mainly) or why note Jailbreak exploit ? possible too .

Monday, March 26, 2012

Downgrade iOS 5.1 To iOS 5.0.1 iPad 2 iPhone 4S has been found

as usually the iOS hackers unveil Exploits 100% sure , but sometime in late so they give always alternative way during they working on Exploit, for those who mistaken to upgrade their iOS without mind to Developers warnings ( useful these warnings ). another chance is underway for those of you who upgraded  iPad2 and iPhone 4S to iOS 5.1 . on a tweet 25th/03/2012  iH8sn0w a well know iOS hacker , he is who has Developed  Sn0wbreeze, iREB and iFaith .  claimed  that he got an exploit which allowed him to Downgrade his iPad2  iOS 5.1 to  5.0.1 according to his tweet below .

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Downgrade 4.11.08 to 4.10.01 baseband seems be Unreliable

Downgrade 4.11.08 to 4.10.01 baseband on iOS 5.0.1 .
A dream which begin to look like unreliable perhap . since this information leaked . we all ( blogger , Jailbreakers , iPhone Owner ) stay  searching to know more about it fiability . we still searching over net to see if this downgrade work realy . we serached to get procedure steps . searched just a Confirmation.but we got nothing as positive result . nobody showed Movie or picture about this one .for avoid us to stay waiting useless some genius peoples decide to bring us their analyse on this confused situation .
these alyses are based on some technical detail which proof unreal this Downgrade possibility .
if you takes most time to read and try understand , sure you will get same conclusion as us .
our conclusion is  it seem be unfiable this one but we keep seek reliable .

13 Custom Ice Cream Sandwich Rom For you . Android 4.xx

13 Android Ice Cream Sandwich Rom for  13 famous Android Devices .
this one came to completed these which already added on blog .
 these are all of Custom Rom . built by particular users or developers . that mean you will get all that an user need in his phone because its built by an user  as you ..  what  Models which have been added  :

Factory unlock iPhone 4,4S BaseBand 04.11.08

Factory unlock iPhone 4,4S BaseBand 04.11.08 is still disponible for many providers .
only  AT&T , SFR and certains are down but most of network work untill present
many networks are still supported  but the dilemma is to find a reliable service with low cost and fast time. over internet the million of web site said provider but how many are real ? not easy to know what .

so we found DcserviceTeam for you , their service  provide  most  of  the populars network Factory Unlock Code for iPhone 4,4S  . a worlwide service , support much networks  in different countries . what Contries and providers are supported by them a this time ? follow list and start your shoping .

Say Hello to the new iPhone! and touch iPhone 5

Apple concept we all follow it . is there in every domain , nobody ignored this concept.
at this moment we all are directed to Next Generation of iPhone aka iPhone 5 . so time is up to speculate yet .at developers of Hardware/software Hackers ,  bloggers and designer .
 the whole of them are in speculation about iPhone 5 release Date , Hardware config and others. 
during some persons stay to talk or waiting Tim Cook and Co announcement , others unveil their  imaginations on how that iPhone 5 will look like . let is go to next generation .  ADR studios are these among many of folks who permit us to discover their conception about the future generation iPhone .
ADR studios Concept is Say Hello to the new iPhone! they have their own concept , nothing in common with obsolete Concept , already seen for iPhone . most remarkable is the phone name not iPhone 5 but the New iPhone is used as name . they respected all apple concept rules , which is to bring always new things . get start explored this one ..
   Every Apple concept is a new challenge.The cool thing is you can use your own imagination to create some features don’t exist on the market, focusing on design aspect and futuristic approaches.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Downgrade 4.11.08 to 4.10.01 baseband on iOS 5.0.1 and unlock with Gevey Sim or Ultrasn0w ?

Downgrade 4.11.08 to 4.10.01 baseband on iOS 5.0.1 and unlock with Gevey Sim or Ultrasn0w ?

You can upgrade your baseband, but not downgrade for unlocking solutions until Apple still signs required firmware.

What happens when we have new SHSH servers ?

If you are following the jailbreak and unlock scene you would know this is not entirely new but with these SHSH Servers you can downgrade your "unbelievable" 4.11.08 baseband ?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

0 iTunes error / iOS signed by Apple currently

Imporatnt for avoid to stay on iTunes error while you restoring your  iPhone , iPad , iPod  who take cares about this small detail before restoring an iPhone or other apple device .
sure most of folks never mind it before crying for iTunes error 3149 ( current ) and much others. this is a  policy of apple which is to signed some firmware and unsigned some else .

Repair SE phones boot and restore via USB!

Medusa Box Flasher v1.0.4 is out! Added world's first Phone Repair, Boot Repair and Security Recalculation via USB for Xperia Arc, Xperia Neo, Xperia Pro, Xperia Neo V (no need to solder JTAG wires - only small TP, no credits required either).

Medusa Box Flasher v1.0.4 Release Notes:

    Added support for the following models:
        Sony Ericsson LT15i (Xperia Arc) - added Phone Repair (Dead Boot Repair + Security Recalculation), Read Full Flash - all via USB
        Sony Ericsson SO-01C (Xperia Arc) - added Phone Repair (Dead Boot Repair + Security Recalculation), Read Full Flash - all via USB
        Sony Ericsson MT15i (Xperia Neo) - added Phone Repair (Dead Boot Repair + Security Recalculation), Read Full Flash - all via USB
        Sony Ericsson MK16a (Xperia Pro) - added Phone Repair (Dead Boot Repair + Security Recalculation), Read Full Flash - all via USB
        Sony Ericsson MT11i (Xperia Neo V) - added Phone Repair (Dead Boot Repair + Security Recalculation), Read Full Flash - all via USB
    Added user manuals for all supported phones

To become iOS Beta testers , Registered your UDID and get start testing

did you already thought to become iOS beta Tester if yes you have right place for that  .
welcome to  UDID Now Activation , a window  opened for you get it quickly .
this service allowed  you to register your iDevices UDID and integrate apple beta testers program. which were only for some iOS Developer firstly , currently everyone have possibility to do that .

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Samsung P6810, HTC Sensation XL Unbrick – Dead Boot repair supported

21.03.2012 RIFF JTAG Box Updates:

Whats new:

    Added WORLD FIRST Samsung GT-P6810 Galaxy Tab 7.7 WiFi 16GB
    Added WORLD FIRST HTC Sensation XL X315 / Bass (HTC Runnymede)

Bug fixes:

    Samsung Galaxy i9003 (3 new DLL, with adjusted I/O voltage levels)
    SonyEricsson E15i (ROM not supported bug fixed)

How to find Infineon CPU Pinouts RX TX ?

At this time most of the classic phone ( Sfr and Vodafone ) uses Infineon as Cpu . ( perhaps low cost )
generaly  in popular phone wich are  sold averytime  Locked .
often most of them have different pinouts , or sometime cable ( commonly RJ45 ) not exist or resseller no near to you . in this case you have only a last chance which will allow you to work on your phone . I found this way so easy to find Infineon CPU pinout  without dificulty . you just need to follow these few steps .

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Unlock, HTC EVO View 4G Unbrick, IMEI and CID update supported

19.03.2012    RIFF JTAG – HTC EVO View 4G Unbrick, Unlock, IMEI and CID update supported
Repairing bricked HTC EvoView4G is easy using RIFF Box. Phone is auto powered on with USB Data Cable connected to the PC while battery is connected. Please note, battery presense is required.
Some (or all) revisions of HTC EvoView4G boards have JTAG interface disabled (that is enable MARM JTAG Fuse is blown in the MSM8255 chip). In this case the JTAG may be enabled only by firmware itself. This is done by the FSBL loader, so writing to FSBL area is artificially disabled in the DCC Loader code. DCC Loader will discard all flashing attempts into FSBL zone and will respond with success code as if flashing succeeded. In this way FSBL zone is protected while user still can flash full image files seamlessly.
Resurrector will reflash radio’s boot zone (except FSBL area) and will re-write PDA’s SPL to 1.38.0000 version. Additionally to SPL and Radio zones, the zone which contains Model ID is re-flashed too. Thus after resurrection phone will have Model ID = ‘PG4120000’.
There is option to reflash BOOT and RECOVERY zones.
Please note, if your phone has the FSBL loader damaged and MCU has JTAG FUSE blown then there is no way to resurrect your phone via JTAG interface.
To resurrect HTC EvoView4G:

Saturday, March 17, 2012

iPAd3 Jailbreak Method seems be same as iPad2

iPAd3 Jailbreak Method is there long time ago . an archieve that we left without consideration for this new iOS.5.1 yes we need it again once more . the same Method has been exploited on iPad2 already . according to iPhone_dev Team it seems iPAd3 Jailbreak method is same as his predecessor iPad2 . wooow who imagine that before this post ? sure nobody thought it . yes it's now confirmed by iPhone_dev Team .   you ( iPad3 owners )  are lucky it will make Hackers work more fast , if they need used and old exploit .
if it's the same such as  iPad2 and old  that's means Jailbroken is for some hours perhaps lol!!

3rd iPad3 Jailbroken by Paul Griffin @phoenixdev

as we talked in this post Jalbreaking iPAd3 Hackers vs Hackers why ? skills fight
another guy has brought us a 3rd Jailbraking Methods for iPad3 iOS 5.1 Utethered .
 Paul Griffin ‏@phoenixdev an iOS Hacker has released his exploit for iOS 5.1 today
according to his tweet

Jalbreaking iPAd3 Hackers vs Hackers why ? skills fight

iPAd3 Jailbreaking exploit after MuscleNerd and  i0n1c announcement  who will be next ?
whole of iOS hackers are working to find latest iOS 5.1 Jailbreak Vulnerability currently. yes we know that .that's what all iOS Jailbreakers are waiting  .

Two iPad3 Untethered Jailbroken Confirmed .. annouced by Hackers

Awesome this one is a big progress . we guess we are not far for a final release soon ,why not?
the iPhone_Dev Team  member sir MuscleNerd , well-known by every Jailbreaker as a trust source for iPhone Jailbreaking and Unlocking information .  has put 2 Pictures on his Twitter page some hours ago . in these pictures he showed an iPad3 Jailbroken on iOs 5.1 and showed it in latest Version of Cydia 1.1.5. as confirmation .

Friday, March 16, 2012



We ask your apology to have brought you this fake information about iPhone 04.11.08 Unlocking. 
after have posted this one we took most of time to get more information by some investigations 
so we trying to get in touch with Maxisnow team , and those who are mentined as testers in site annoucement message . but till at this time nobody beetwen them replied our request about their Tool 
after passed  days trying to get just a bit  true information of this tool and who is behind ,we got nothing as feedback our mission has been  0% result . so we started another survey way is to reading all things in common with them on internet . there we got one thing , what we told in our previous post about if Maxisnow is trustable .

Samsung Epic 4G Touch [ ICS / OS 4.0.3 ] Stock Rooted FC14 System

a stock Rom released  with rooting possible for Samsung Epic 4G Touch , .
not enought exception added in this rom just rooting availibility . which was impossible  previously.
according to developer Calkulin Xda Forum member who is behind that .
This ROM is completely stock with exception that root/busybox is included and it uses the stock(No CWM) kernel. .All must be flashed through CWM, so flash the modem also in the same CWM session because once you reboot, you won't have CWM
Factory reset \ Data format is HIGHLY recommended(use FORMAT ALL attached before flashing) .

Ice Cream Sandwich & HTC Sense 4.0 UI build 0.96.401.2 for HTC One X (codename: Endeavor)

 HTC One X  (codename: Endeavor) Unveiled at MWC 2012 and got the rank of  Best Smartphone .
this one seem to promises most of new things in HTC smartphone are
annouced by Htc Official Release Date is 12/04/2012 , an official RUU has been leaked  surely others updates are on way  once phone came on market . as you know the Devs are still willing  to prove their skills. good for devices users they are always beneficer .
so the Android devs started their routine work , mean building unofficial rom  for bring more than in original .
this's one wich  leaked By mike1986. a developer more known on XDA Forum .
this one is Based on previous Official Ruu , The release consists of simply extracting the system image and repacking it as a recovery flashable file , the additinnal improvement in this version  it's not negligible .
now rooting is possbile in this version ,  it was impossible in fisrt Ruu . thank you Chief  mike1986. 
if you are lucky to be a HTC beta tester so this's for you ...

                   information according to Developer

Thursday, March 15, 2012

GeoHot arrested for Marijuana possession while driving to SXSW

While on his way to SXSW, famous iPhone hacker Geohot was arrested for Marijuana possession in Sierra Blanca, a small town with a history of arresting famous people for pot possession, including country singer Willie Nelson, and rapper Snoop Dogg.

sn0wbreeze Released

sn0wbreeze v2.9.3 Released . Monday, March 12, 2012
it's not a major Update  just some features added as :
 some bugs fixed and  iOS added .for certain iDevices .
sure you waiting Utetherd but it's yet . agin some waiting moment ..

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

controlling your phone without touching the screen – floating touch makes it possible

controlling your phone without touching the screen – floating touch makes it possible .
this is what Technology  Sony Mobile plan to bring into their latest Smartphone wich going out soon .
according to Sony this is a famous thing which will permite to controlle phone without touch screen ou keypad .
the first Sony wich's ready to get it firstly is  Xperia sola  annouced by Sony just day ago .

Anonymous Hackers released their own Operating System

an Out sujet , nothing in common with our blog purpose just we found it usfull . so we put in for you .
the actual celbrity Hackers team Released their own OS  . what's  on way ? 

 Anonymous Hackers released their own Operating System 

Yes! Its true,  Anonymous Hackers released their own Operating System with name "Anonymous-OS", is Live is an ubuntu-based distribution and created under Ubuntu 11.10 and uses Mate desktop. You can create the LiveUSB with Unetbootin.

WOrld First Boot Repair : HTC EVO 3D (HTC Shooter) Unbrick – HTC Sensation (HTC Pyramid) Unbrick - T-Mobile Samsung SGH-T989 Galaxy S II Unbrick Samsung SGH-i727 Galaxy S II Skyrocket Unbrick

 WOrld First Boot Repair : HTC EVO 3D (HTC Shooter) Unbrick – HTC Sensation (HTC Pyramid) Unbrick -  T-Mobile Samsung SGH-T989 Galaxy S II Unbrick Samsung SGH-i727 Galaxy S II Skyrocket Unbrick 

Four World First Repair Boot Released to Riff Box - Jtag Revolution

 4.03.2012    RIFF JTAG – Samsung SGH-i727 Galaxy S II Skyrocket Unbrick – Dead Boot Repair, World First ! ! ! 
Repairing bricked Samsung I727 is easy with the RIFF Box. The device is based on the Qualcomm APQ8060 chipset.
Note, one simple way to connect over JTAG – connect USB cable to PC and insert battery. In this case phone is automatically powered on.
To resurrect Samsung I727:
  •  Solder JTAG cable to Samsung I727 JTAG pads;
  •  Connect USB cable to phone and PC;
  •  Insert battery;
  •  Make sure Samsung I727 is selected in the list of models;
  •  Click Resurrect button;
  •  Wait till software signals a successful operation completion;
  •  Disconnect USB cable, de-solder JTAG wires;

[Official Final ICS Firmwares] Samsung Galaxy SII Europe XEO | CF-Root [13-3-12]

Welcome I9100 to ICS Supported phones arena . it's official now .
as Samsung promise  to ported ICS on most of popular samsung phones wich still uder previous Android .
this is one  is official now for I9100 . aka Samsung Galaxy SII

I9100XXLPQ (Official Final Build)
Base Firmware: I9100XXLPQ (4.0.3)
Build Date: 9th March 2012
Modem: XXLPQ
Change List: 223505
Kernel Version: 3.0.15
once I9100XXLPQ (Official Final Build)  Released 9th March 2012 , few days after  CF-Root  has been released , it  allow root acces for this one  . thank to Dev who are behind .
 for those whom still in old android version time's up to move to ICS now  .
get ICSand Rooted to follow this instruction below , all are put in Firmware installation and Root proced .

no more Imei Unlocking for iPhone by CutYourSIM

According to this tweet and much of sources , it's seem that the latest window for Baseband 04.11.08 is under

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

RIFF JTAG - SonyEricsson new BOOTROM support and more !

13.03.2012   RIFF JTAG – SonyEricsson new BOOTROM support and more !

Whats new:

 Unlock/Repair TA is now supported for new BOOTROM version in following models:

    E15a (SE_E15a.dll),
    E15i (SE_X8.dll),
    U20a (SE_U20a.dll),
    U20i (SE_U20i.dll),
    E10i (SE_X10_Mini.dll)

HTC Neon Unbrick – Boot Repair, IMEI and CID update supported.

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ORT JTAG - ORT Plus V1.74 Alpha for APQ8060 - MSM8X60 Snapdragon S3 / S4 Supported

[13 MAR 2012]

Description :

    ORT Plus V1.74 Aplha Released

Release Notes:

    APQ8060 SnapDragon S3 Supported
    MSM8x60 SnapDragon S3 / S4 Support added
    eMMC Support Added for Snapdragon S3 Platform
    Note : Alpha Release is for ORT Plus Hardware we will release another update for ORT / GPGORT users very soon

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Another Team Claim to have UNLOCKING TOOL FOR IPHONE 4S AND 4 .
since iPhone 4 & 4s BaseBand have been released we assisted everytime at this kind of annoucement .
where Devs Confirme their exploit about iDevices latest Baseband 04.11.08 .
unfortunately certain have been prouved fake , but we stay waiting a true and easy Unlock solution for iPhone4 & iPhone 4S Baseband 04.11.08  so the HAckers herad our ask , they are searching for us .
as you know the whole of iOS HAcker are under work on Baseband 04.11.08 . solution , each Team want bring it first in World but it seem not easy for them as usually but they always found an out way  . we hopefull.
today this is one of these annoucement about iPhone 4/s Unlock solution .
we haven't tried yet , but according to their siteWeb annoucement people tested and they said that it work .
True or Fake , not more confirmation yet . we investigate away for get most information .

Monday, March 12, 2012

DC-Unlocker ...828 Huawei E303, E368, U2801, ZTE MF821, T203 & others added

DC-Unlocker client software V1.00.0828


Huawei E303
Huawei E368


Customized modems:
Huawei E173 Aug 23 2011 14:30:25 (Dialog Sri Lanka)
Huawei E173 Sep 26 2011 10:36:35 (Beeline Uzbekistan)
ZTE MF180 BD_MF180SMARTV1.0.0B01 (SmartBro Philippines)

iOS 5.1 Untethered Jailbreak in Progress

Just after Apple released iOS 5.1 for Apple users, we saw a large amount of warnings from the iPhone Dev Team which says that those users who will updated their devices to iOS 5.1 will lose their Untethered jailbreak either they were A4/A5 devices users, but today we have got some great news that you will be surprised when you hear it.. Today Pod2G the well known hacker has just announced that he is currently working on iOS 5.1 untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2..

Ultimate jailbreak and unlock wizard for iPhone, iPod, iPad and iTV

Ultimate jailbreak and unlock wizard for iPhone, iPod, iPad and iTV

 It's an Ultimate Jailbreak and Unlock Wizard, wich alow you to know what software you need to Jailbreak and Unlock your iDEvices . as every one know how it's hard and unquiet to begin an iDevices Jailbreak proced , now  it's easy by this tool . you just need to put all info about your device : iOS version , Baseband and your OS on what you want to work . 
I put in Blog Just look it in blog down .

Ultrasn0w FOR IOS - 5.1

The Dev Team have also announced that Ultrasn0w itself will be benefitting from an update in the next few days, which will bring support for the iOS 5.1 firmware. The promised update will be music to unlockers ears, but will not bring any additional baseband support and will only offer the ability to unlock devices and basebands which are currently offered by the 1.2.5 version of the tool. The currently supported baseband models are:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Fix 15% Battery Shutdowns on HTC Desire GB Sense Kernels

It is an issue many with older devices face: once the battery percentage hits the 15% or so, the device simply shuts down without any notice. What’s the reason for this problem? Battery aging. The process of battery aging isn’t inherently the cause, but as XDA Forum Member theGanymedes points out, it is the fact that your Desire thinks your battery is actually brand new. TheGanymedes puts it this way:

OS 7 Blackberry : 9360 , 9370 , 9380 , 9790 , 9810 , 9860 , 9900 , 9930

I have added some news OS 7 for these Models below .

 Blackberry 9360 
Blackberry 9370
Blackberry 9380

 Blackberry 9790
Blackberry 9810

 Blackberry 9860
Blackberry 9900
 Blackberry 9930

Official OS now available from TELUS for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and Torch 9810

Official OS now available from TELUS for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and Torch 9810

If you're a straight shooter and only indulge in official releases who happens to be a TELUS customer, you can

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Important note about Dead Boot HTC Desire HD 1,5G

Important note about Dead Boot HTC Desire HD 1,5G

Hello Guys ,
I got one HTC DESIRE HD  some days ago before this post .
Phone goes Completely dead after low Battery .
now nothing more: Not on to Bootloader Mode , not dectected by Pc .
that mean Bootloader is dead . first reflex sure everyone will say Jtag solution . yes you are not wrong , only Jtag can help . but for this one at this time . I think not Jtag box that we usualy use for repair boot can solve it yet . ( correct me if  wrong )

Gsmhosting is Fixed now

Gsmhosting is get back now , it work perfect as previously .
how to inside on site . just follow this below :

Delete all Browser history , all cookies
so open GSM-Forum by zfrank redirect

Customization and Jailbreak iOS 5.1 On iPhone, iPod Touch And iPad With Sn0wbreeze 2.9.2

iH8sn0w has Released  new  Sn0wbreeze 2.9.2  Friday, March 9, 2012

GSmhosting's still Hacked by Anonymous

as I posted yesrday  at 02.26 am exactly  on it , GSmhosting's still Hacked by Anonymous .
admin are under working on site . hope it's will be soon disponible . be quiet  ( I got Information  ) .
after investigation  I'm still in stage 0 , nothing as information about this attack cause  .
0% detail just a video is on page when you type adress website  .
I watched this Movie and I didn't seen something against GSMhosting admin or memebers  

GSmHosting has been HAcked by anonymous

GSmHosting has been HAcked by anonymous , our great forum is hacking at this when I writing this post .

not more time for iOS 5.0.1 , Signature is ended by apple

as usualy after a new iOS released apple stop signed previous iOS version .
now time's up for stopping iOS 5.0.1 which  has respected the rotuine.
apple stoped iOS 5.0.1 signature , that mean you will get error while upgrade or downgrade to this one .
if you not respected Dev team Warns about iOS 5.1 , sure you will lose your liberty ( Jailbreak and unlock ) long moment . stay away to iOS 5.1 and waiting developer information .

BreakDroid Update to 0.4.2 mac OS root Software

 BreakDroid  0.4.2 Released just some hours ago after that BreakDroid 0.3 has been leaked by team .
according to Team , this update came out by a test report , a great person has reported for Galaxy Nexus   , after this test we have got a new version .that mean if you tested quicly you will get more update at the same speed .fast to fast . Dev are waiting your feedback ..

Friday, March 9, 2012

REdsn0w for iOS 5.1 has been added

      REdsn0w for iOS 5.1 has been added  in Jailbreak Tool page .
    get both Windows and mac version togther .
      not forget to read Important note about Jailbreak before start anythings .

Rooted Tool For mac uSers : BreakDroid 0.3 Mac Auto Root / ADB Installer 3-7-12

the android devices Root software start  directs to mac OS now .
we usuly see root soft work only on Windows  or Linux .
at this time some Teams began to work on their software compatibility with mac OS .
but till present nothing  yet outed , only this born for mac user : BreakDroid 0.3 Mac Auto Root / ADB Installer 3-7-12   

How To Downgrade iPhone 4 iOS 5.1 Baseband 4.12.01 to 4.11.08 And Wait For Unlock [Guide]

Apple’s major iOS 5.1 update which was released on March 7th alongside the new iPad also brought two new basebands. These new basebands are not going to hurt people who have factory unlocked iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S but people who rely on iPhone unlocks can put themselves in a big trouble by updating their iPhone to iOS 5.1. We have already warned people who rely on unlock to stay away from this update but some people don’t know the consequences of this specific iOS update. Though it will effect both iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S owners but people who have unlocked iPhone 4S with Gevey Ultra S, TP SIM or R-SIM could get in to more trouble than iPhone 4 owners. Once you update your iPhone 4S to iOS 5.1 you will not only loose your iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak but you will also loose your iPhone 4S unlock because no solution has been updated to unlock iPhone 4S’ new baseband 2.0.10.

ios 5.1 640x4801 How To Downgrade iPhone 4 iOS 5.1 Baseband 4.12.01 to 4.11.08 And Wait For Unlock [Guide]

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Important Notes about iOS 5.1 Jailbreak

Important Notes about iOS 5.1 Jailbreak, just read note before Job ..


Jailbreak 5.1 iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod Touch 4G, 3G

iPhone Dev-team has just released redsn0w 0.9.10b6 to jailbreak 5.1 iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 4G, 3G (tethered jailbreak). Now you can download redsnow 0.9.10b6 from the below download links and follow this  guide to jailbreak your iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G, 3G and iPad 1.

iOS 5.1 and iTunes 10.6 now available

Apple just released the new version of iOS, iOS 5.1, through Software Update. Notable new features in this update include Siri support for Japanese users, a new camera shortcut, and new Camera app for iPad. Full changelog below.

This update contains improvements and bug fixes, including:

Japanese language support for Siri (availability may be limited during initial rollout)
Photos can now be deleted from Photo Stream
Camera shortcut now always visible on Lock Screen for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch (4th generation)
Camera face detection now highlights all detected faces
Redesigned Camera app for iPad
Genius Mixes and Genius playlists for iTunes Match subscribers
Audio for TV shows and movies on iPad optimized to sound louder and clearer
Podcast controls for playback speed and a 30 second rewind for iPad
Updated AT&T network indicator

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dev Team Warns! Don’t Update To iOS 5.1 Today,

 Dev Team Warns!

As the whole tech world waits for today’s Apple Event, it seems like a good time to remind both veteran and amateur jailbreakers about the fundamental rule of jailbreaking:  Avoid firmware updates!
In all likelihood we’ll see the GM “gold master” version of 5.1 this week.  DO NOT UPDATE TO 5.1, because you may lose your jailbreak!  The rest of this post details the subtleties with this rule, but if there’s only one message to take home, it’s the overall “do not update” message!  Now for the nitty gritty exceptions:

How To Unlock iPhone 4S on Carriers Other Than AT&T

the process is very easy but a lot of people who have their iPhone 4S locked on carriers other than AT&T are facing issues.  AT&T subscribers can unlock there iPhone 4S easily by following some simple and basic steps:
  • Cut your desired network’s SIM card to make it iPhone 4S compatible micro SIM.
  • Place your SIM card on top of Gevey Ultra S
  • Put it inside your AT&T locked iPhone 4S and restart it
  • Wait for the signals to show up
The process is very simple but this is only for those iPhone 4S units which are locked to AT&T. For other carriers like Bell Canada, Vodafone, KDDI Japan, and others the unlock approach is a little different. Unfortunately there’s no official guide available for this but we have a simple step by step guide on what you have to do to unlock your iPhone 4S locked to aforementioned carriers.

Need another thanAT&T :
    iPhone 4S locked to any carrier other than AT&T
    Your official SIM card which came along with iPhone 4S
    Gevey Ultra S SIM which you can order from here

iOS 5.1 GM with two secret features passes Apple's testing - report

The golden master build of iOS 5.1 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch is said to have passed Apple's internal quality assurance testing and will arrive in the coming days with Japanese support for Siri and other unknown features.

The hacker known as "Chronic," who is a member of the iOS jailbreaking community, revealed the news in a post to his official blog on Tuesday, citing a "very solid source." He said the golden master of iOS 5.1 recently completed a three-week "vigorous quality assurance phase," and should be released in the coming days.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

iTunes error collection listed there . iPhone iPod error wiki

 iPhone , iPod restore errors Wiki are listed there . 


Universal SIM By Maximize To Unlock 4.11.08

another fields is opened again for Scammers .
their Mission cible  iPhone 4  Baseband 04.11.08 owners .
alot of you are looking for a real unlock solution for Baseband 04.11.08 . please wait .
want to low cost solution  because Factory unlock cost are too enought that's right , but attention.
to avoid  become Scammers victim . stay away if don't know much info about a tool or team .

RIFF JTAG – Samsung SGH-T499 Dart (Samsung Tass) Unbrick – Boot Repair supported

06.03.2012   RIFF JTAG – Samsung SGH-T499 Dart (Samsung Tass) Unbrick – Boot Repair supported

Repairing bricked Samsung T499 is easy with RIFF Box. Phone is auto powered on with USB Data Cable connected to the PC while battery is inside. In case you use the battery only please note you will have to press Power On key once.

Desire HD Receives Sense-Laced Ice Cream Sandwich

Vanilla Android, in the form of AOSP and AOSP-derived builds, is generally the first most devices see of a new Android version. While there are some fun ICS leaks for phones like the Samsung Galaxy S II with their manufacturer skin pre-installed, most devices still have to flash a CyanogenMod 9 or some other AOSP-derived build to get ICS.
For owners of the HTC Desire HD, there is now an additional option. In a collaborative effort from the teams that brought Desire HD owners BeatMod and Smartdroid, comes a Sense 3.6 Port that also happens to be Ice Cream Sandwich based. XDA Recognized Developer zFr3eak and XDA Senior Members memnoc, BiCh0n and XxXPachaXxX are all in on the project, and are working fervently to get the bugs out.

Windows Phone 7 Gets a Super Tool and Market App

Windows Phone 7 development around XDA has been steadily increasing, and that’s a really good thing. XDA Recognized Developer dotcompt has added a couple of much needed tools to the Windows Phone 7 application arsenal.
The first is a super tool that gives users various shortcuts to tools and the other is an alternative market for home brew apps, XDA apps, etc. The super tool application, aptly named DS Supertool offers its users:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Free iPhone 3GS/4/4S imei Checker without cable

not rest we are for a life more smart . 
as recently I inform you about iPhone imei analyzer , released by Cyclone Team ; itools  . 
these tool allow you to know all informations on your iDevices . 
All informations mean Provider , Warranty start and end Date, Serial number etc ..
why these informations are became important  ? 
for iPhone 4 we need it when we want to factory Unlock proced.
iPhone 3GS that's more important since iOS 4.1 released Date by apple .
Since iOS 4.1 released iPhone 3G/3GS Unlocking require patching iPad baseband 6.15.00.

Unlock iPhone 4S CDMA to iPhone 4S GSM carrier

TP SIM Releases Their CDMA iPhone 4S Unlock, Works On Verizon iPhone 4S .
perphaps we forgot but TP SIM was the first iPhone 4S unlock which surface last month but, 
it was only for GSM iPhone 4S. now time's up for iPhone 4S CDM .

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Xperia S Bootloader Unlocking/Relocking tutoriel Released

yes !! we can always entrust our dream to hackers, they will make it reality for us .
now Xperia S bootloader is unlockable , that wich allow you to turn your phone as you want .
Custom Rom installation ways are opened now  . an official tutoriel has been released and clearly explained by a XDA forum Developer ( DooMLoRD  ).. he is expalain firstly unlock steps and relock steps ( unless perhaps ) for whom are interest to relock . ( funny )
follow  this tutoriel ( A-Z ) , make all as it's in tutoriel , because you should know that 00,01% of error can give a bricked phone while bootloader Unlock. dont skip even virgule ( , ) step if you won't to spend more time to work or cry your aswsome phone.. good luck and  best experience with your Xperia S .
All need files are into tuto .

FREE GT-I9103 Repair Dead By USB Cable no need JTAG NO Need Disassembly Phone

as you see in tittle you can repair GT-9103 Completely dead via an Usb Cable .
Unbrick your I9103 bricked while rom upgraded without JTAG box .it's not great that ? thank developper whom give us this awsome thing . it's seem this solution has been released By Spt box team. according to poster , leaked by xiaoyuz ( Product Supporter ) 

AT&T iPhone Factory Unlock Service Started

we may call them ( cutyoursim.) Providence team perhaps for At&t  all iPhone include 4s .
according to their blog post 29/02/2012 they started AT&T iPhone Factory Unlock Service  .
 according to their blog This service is 100% tested but  it's still in Beta stage

Apple testing iPads with iOS 6, possible Retina Displays

New server logs have discovered evidence of a device with an iPad Retina Display screen resolution, as well as iPad models running iOS 6, that are being used to browse the Web at Apple's corporate headquarters.

Combing through its server logs, Ars Technica found a total of 346 visits from a device running the unique 2,048 by 1,536 pixel resolution. While a resolution in and of itself is not evidence of a device, that size happens to be exactly double the resolution of the current iPad, with four times as many pixels.

Numerous rumors have pointed toward Apple's third-generation iPad sporting a Retina Display that will be a double-resolution screen, at 2,048 by 1,536. Author Jacqui Cheng noted that a search on the Web found there are "very few devices in current use that have this same resolution."

In addition, the site also tracked iPads that were accessing its site from Apple's corporate IP block at its Cupertino, Calif., corporate campus. Some of those iPads were found to be running iOS 6, an unannounced update to Apple's mobile operating system.

X-Link WIFI data transferer PC to Android Phone / Zero Setup File Transfer

 Usualy you have recourse to your USB cable for your transfers Pc to Phone .

 it seem that this way will be put in archive soon ,.

because X-Link allow you to transfer Pc to Phone with juste your wifi connection . 

as a local network or as Bluetooth connectivity . go to Android market and get it .

iPhone Jailbreak tools kit

                      iPhone 3G/3GS 4G/4GS iPAD Jailbreak tools kit

           I started to put all-in-one the jailbreak stuff in their dedicate page : Jailbreak Tool .
               just the necessary versions are put here for avoid to make a long version list.
                 all  will be listed in this page for make your search and download easy . 
                               the page will be keep up to date everytime if new out .
                         I advice  to use anytime the latest version ( always in fisrt ); 
 for your iDevice Job , or take time to find what version you need before start job .

Friday, March 2, 2012

LGTOOL 1.52 released

Version 1.52 released!

Added flash unlock support for many new LG phones!
FREE unlock by IMEI/ESN/MSN for LG, Alcatel, ZTE, HTC, BlackBerry, Motorola and Huawei phones are still free.

Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.2.8 - Omnia W and others..

Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.2.8 is out! Added support for Samsung GT-I8350, SGH-T939, GT-S8000H mobile devices!

Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.2.8 Release Notes:

    Added support for the following models:
        GT-I8350 - added Direct Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
        SGH-T939 - added Direct Unlock, Read Codes, Repair IMEI.
        GT-S8000H - added Write Firmware, Read Codes.
    Released some improvements in the software.

Download Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.2.8

Ice Cream Sandwich Running on Sony X8, X10 Mini & X10 Mini Pro

Great new for these Phones owners .Ice Cream Ported on Sony X8, X10 Mini & X10 Mini .
it took much time but it's there now , relook your OS with ICs give a secondary life at your Phones .

            Source :

Sony’s Xperia range of devices are incredibly popular. While some of them may be considered as older devices, they still see a good amount of development activity. Since the launch of Ice Cream Sandwich, users have been patiently awaiting the delivery of stable ROMs suitable for daily use. Enter XDA Senior Member paul-xxx, who has managed to port CM9 to the X8, X10 Mini and X10 Mini Pro.
Although the X10 Mini has already been graced with Android 4.0 in the form a very alpha AOSP ROM and a build of MIUI4 by XDA Senior Member stelios97, the X8 and Mini Pro are only now

iOS App Development for Everyone

   iPhone & iPad App Building for Non-Programmers
You can do this!
This book is specifically written for everyone--everyone who has an idea for an App, but has written little or no code in the past. Each chapter assumes you are a complete novice and takes the time to explain in easy-to-understand language and examples the concepts you need to know to create your own iPhone and iPad Apps for release in the App Store or just for fun!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Iphone/Ipad Free provider Analyzer

Cyclone Team brought their contrubution in iPhone and iPad area .
They Released an update in Cyclone Box software wich allow you to check your provider free .
that's was cost 2$ some days ago for check your provider . that's requiered before buy Factory unlock code

Android 4. ICS run to Galaxy S I9000

 Galaxy S I9000 Receives ICS Pre-Alpha Bliss
All good things must come to an end, and that is life. However, we at XDA-Developers do our absolute best that our expensive devices do not fall under this category. We continuously strive to prolong and extend the shelf life of phones by adding features, apps, themes, and most importantly, by reverse engineering the daylights out of them so that they can run newer OSes unsupported by the manufacturers. Having said this, if you have an original Galaxy S (i9000), then today is your lucky day because XDA Forum Member dhiru1602 has successfully ported ICS onto this forgotten beast.
The port itself was taken directly from another port meant for the Nexus S 4G and it is currently in pre-alpha state, which means that you will likely not be rocking most features right off the bat. In fact, it probably means that at this point it is a pretty device to play with but not to use on a daily basis. Essentially, the device has no data capabilities at this point, which is likely the biggest thing, as well as no camera, or video playback. Having said that, for a pre-alpha state, this does have several things working which you would normally not see on similar level releases such as being able to make calls

Samsung Wave 3 GT-S8600 Unbrick Supported !! Released 29/02/2012

  Samsung Wave 3 GT-S8600 Unbrick – Boot repair supported, World First !  !  !

Resurrecting Samsung S8600 is easy. Phone is auto powered on with USB Data Cable connected to the PC while battery is connected.
Please note, MSM8255T is dual core chipset – it has ARM11 and Qualcomm Scorpion cores. During power on sequence only ARM11 core is visible on the JTAG chain. If boots are not completely damaged and it comes up to initializing of the Scorpion core then Scorpion core appears on the JTAG chain too. This will shift ARM11 from TAP0 into TAP1 position on the chain, while current resurrector has the ARM11 core hardcoded at TAP0 position. Thus make sure to establish JTAG connection in the time range while Scorpion core is not visible yet.

...:: Unlock Xperia Arc S now supported and more - Omnius for SE v0.32 released - ::.

Omnius for SE v0.32 (1st March 2012)

    Added unlocking of S1 MSM8255T phones, i.e. Xperia Arc S (testpoint connection to GND is required)
    Added boot repair of S1 MSM8255T phones, i.e. Xperia Arc S (testpoint connection to GND is required)
    S1 MSM8x55 SEMCBOOT updated to version R9A029
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